Sunday 3 April 2011


I am taking a big risk here and I am about to write something in favour of the NHS reforms. Will the British Medical Association ban me from their bosom and send me back my £400 plus? Highly unlikely!

There are parts of the bill that I do fear  - the power of the unelected NHS commissioning board that is likely to be involved in the commissioning of my specialty  - cardiac surgery. As in many parts of the bill the devil will be in the detail.
What I would point out to opponents of the reform bill  is to consider the alternative. This, I fear, is even less palatable than what Lansley is offering. People are conflating the needs for £20 Billion cuts and the reforms. The cuts will occur whatever happens to the reforms. The current form of the NHS with its associated cost is just unsustainable. Without the reforms, the NHS will revert to type and resort to an bloody orgy of top slicing. This is really disruptive and demoralising. That is why as a medic who wants the NHS to survive, I just have to support the reforms.
I wish Lansley would be courageous enough to explain this to everyone.

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